Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Additions to the farm

Yesterday afternoon we got gate and fixed the fences in the old pig pen.  Then around  4:15 we drove in the Defender (all 5 of us) to Carson, WA to see some pigs.   It was raining most of the way there but did stop as we arrived in the dark.  Hunter is going to raise three pigs to help pay for her NYC trip to Teen Ink Summer Writing Program.  I forgot my camera and tried to take pictures in the dark with the IPhone and it just didn't do the job!  It was fun seeing the farmer grab these no so little squealers by the back legs and hand them off to Eric.  Eric would then bring them to the Defender and Liesl would grab the front end and toss them into the back of the defender.  The second one they did this too jumped right back out and started running around the yard.  After just a short time it found the trailer where the rest of the pigs were and jumped back in only to be caught again.  Got the three of them for $75 each (Emelia, Juliet and Ophelia).  Eric and Liesl wanted one more for them to have for food so the farmer grabbed Rosolyn by the rear legs and tried to lift her up but her nose drudged the ground.  Eric got her and the farmer helped lift her into the back of the Defender!  Rosolyn is bigger and the price for her was $95.  I don't know if the farmer felt sorry for us with 4 pigs or just was laughing at us hauling them off but he gave her to us for $75 too.  Names are from Shakespeare.

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